Our Smart Meter Rollout Consultancy offering includes
- Smart Meter rollout support to Utilities and system integrators for AMR / AMI / Smart Meter / Smart Cities projects
- Architecture & Inter-operability consulting to ensure interoperable communication standards and smooth integration of Head End Systems (HES), Meter Data Management Systems (MDMS), Smart Meters, Hand Held Units (HHUs), etc.
- We consult on developing Smart Meter Country Specific Companion Specifications. Compliance with Companion specification helps Utilities to reduce vendor lock-in and interoperability issues, thereby reducing risk and total cost of Smart meter roll-outs.
- Performance and Scalability Testing of HES by simulating real data and network/communication delays during the integration testing.
- Kalkitech Smart Meter software tools help in the simulation and testing and validation of Smart Meter Project rollouts and help identify technical and inter-operability risks in advance.
Kalkitech helpssetup Smart Meter Labs for Functional testing of Smart Meters. We provide software, consulting, process guidance, and training for such Smart Meter Labs. This helps ensure standards compliance and interoperability before roll-outs.
The products and tools that help Smart Metering are below. They are an integral part of large rollouts and are sold stand-alone and used extensively as part of our consulting.
The following Products will help the customers to achieve a successful Smart Meter Roll out

Smart Metering Consultancy & Tools
We are leading experts in the world when it comes to Smart Meter Protocol Communications. With two decades of expertise working on standards, design, and development of software, hardware, protocol IP, tools, and simulators to help the AMI / Smart Metering deployments world-wide.
SYNC500 DLMS Source Code Library
ANSI C Source Code Library to help you support DLMS on your metering hardware within a short time, with a field-proven and conformance tested protocol stack implementation
Know MoreDLMS Million Meter Simulator
Our Meter Simulator software helps customers simulate a large set of smart meters with communication properties to test the Head End software or Technology they are choosing will scale and meet their technical specifications. Further during deployment customers verify the sizing and scaling of the solution and determine roll out strategies.
Know MoreFunction Evaluation Tool (FET)
Functional Evaluation Tool (FET) is a DLMS Test Tool for testing the conformance of meter for a DLMS companion specification. The FET validates a specific Smart Meter against a given Companion Specification.
Know MoreSYNC500 DLMS Source Code Library
ANSI C Source Code Library to help you support DLMS on your metering hardware within a short time, with a field-proven and conformance tested protocol stack implementation
DLMS Million Meter Simulator
Our Meter Simulator software helps customers simulate a large set of smart meters with communication properties to test the Head End software or Technology they are choosing will scale and meet their technical specifications. Further during deployment customers verify the sizing and scaling of the solution and determine roll out strategies.
Function Evaluation Tool (FET)
Functional Evaluation Tool (FET) is a DLMS Test Tool for testing the conformance of meter for a DLMS companion specification. The FET validates a specific Smart Meter against a given Companion Specification.