DLMS COSEM consulting
Kalkitech DLMS consulting services help Meter Manufacturers, and Software Providers build DLMS COSEM compliant meters, headend, communication modules, testing and validation tools, and Test Jigs for meter production
IEC 61850/ DNP3 /60870 consulting
Kalkitech SCADA & Automation Protocol consulting, including IEC61850, DNP3, IEC 60870-5-101/104, enables OEM to design, develop, test, and validate hardware and software products that comply with these protocols. We provide life cycle maintenance and consulting services as well as advanced protocol implementation training.
Protocol Training
Kalkitech and ASE helps Industrial and utilities in developing protocol adaptors, legacy protocol integration, and product development. This experience and our exposure to international standard committees and industrial best practices enable us to offer Protocol Consulting and Training services. We provide on site and remote consulting and training.